The Tale of Genji, renowned novel written by lady Murasaki Shikibu in the beginning of the 11th century, continues to inspire various artists through the centuries. Many motifs have been adopted or reinterpreted within other works of art, yet the scene of spirit possession - when wife of prince Genji, lady Aoi, is possessed by the spirit of her lover, lady Rokujō - seems to be exceptionally inspiring. This article traces those adaptations of The Tale, where the possession is highly signi- ficant: including classic nō play, modern nō play and film versions. The relations between the characters are carefully investigated, along with their emotions and motives: both in the original text and its adaptations. The key conclusion shows that in ...
"Opowieść o Księciu Promienistym" została napisana w epoce Heian na początku jedenastego stulecia pr...
"Genji monogatari" ("The Tale of Genji")is a romance consisting of fifty-four chapters. It was writt...
Genji-kokagami (“A Little Mirror of Genji”), a manuscript preserved in my library, has been republis...
The Tale of Genji, written in the early eleventh century by a Japanese woman in the imperial court, ...
The Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari, Japanese: 源氏物語), written by Murasaki Shikibu in the beginning o...
This thesis looks at the relationship between gender and the supernatural in Murasaki Shikibu\u27s T...
The Tale of Genji, written in the early eleventh century by a Japanese woman in the imperial court, ...
"The Tale of Genji" ("Genji monogatari", Japanese: 源氏物語), written by Murasaki Shikibu in the beginni...
Lady Murasaki's romance of court life, The Tale of Genji (ca. 1000) is the supreme masterpiece of Ja...
Introduction to the Tale of Genji with quotes from Edward Seidensticker's essays on the nove
Written in the eleventh century, this exquisite portrait of courtly life in medieval Japan is widely...
The Tale of Genji, the supreme masterpiece of Japanese literature and one of the central monuments o...
In Murasaki Shikibu\u27s Genji monogatari , the readers follow the protagonist, Hikaru Genji, on his...
Written early in the 11th century, the Tale of Genji is considered to be the world\u27s first novel....
\(The\) \(Tale\) \(of\) \(Genji\) had been out of print in Japan for nearly two centuries when its f...
"Opowieść o Księciu Promienistym" została napisana w epoce Heian na początku jedenastego stulecia pr...
"Genji monogatari" ("The Tale of Genji")is a romance consisting of fifty-four chapters. It was writt...
Genji-kokagami (“A Little Mirror of Genji”), a manuscript preserved in my library, has been republis...
The Tale of Genji, written in the early eleventh century by a Japanese woman in the imperial court, ...
The Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari, Japanese: 源氏物語), written by Murasaki Shikibu in the beginning o...
This thesis looks at the relationship between gender and the supernatural in Murasaki Shikibu\u27s T...
The Tale of Genji, written in the early eleventh century by a Japanese woman in the imperial court, ...
"The Tale of Genji" ("Genji monogatari", Japanese: 源氏物語), written by Murasaki Shikibu in the beginni...
Lady Murasaki's romance of court life, The Tale of Genji (ca. 1000) is the supreme masterpiece of Ja...
Introduction to the Tale of Genji with quotes from Edward Seidensticker's essays on the nove
Written in the eleventh century, this exquisite portrait of courtly life in medieval Japan is widely...
The Tale of Genji, the supreme masterpiece of Japanese literature and one of the central monuments o...
In Murasaki Shikibu\u27s Genji monogatari , the readers follow the protagonist, Hikaru Genji, on his...
Written early in the 11th century, the Tale of Genji is considered to be the world\u27s first novel....
\(The\) \(Tale\) \(of\) \(Genji\) had been out of print in Japan for nearly two centuries when its f...
"Opowieść o Księciu Promienistym" została napisana w epoce Heian na początku jedenastego stulecia pr...
"Genji monogatari" ("The Tale of Genji")is a romance consisting of fifty-four chapters. It was writt...
Genji-kokagami (“A Little Mirror of Genji”), a manuscript preserved in my library, has been republis...